2024 WOW Forum

Check back soon for information on WOW 2024!

Celebrating our 20th anniversary! Friday, October 4, 2024 from 7:45am – 4pm at the Warner Theatre’s Carole & Ray Neag Performing Arts Center.

Thank you to everyone who made the 2024 WOW! Forum our best year yet! Please check back here often for updates on WOW 2024 and we look forward to seeing you at WOW on
October 5, 2024.

As we emerge from a trying couple of years, we are all ready to create the next chapter. Join us for the 20th Annual WOW Forum where you’ll learn how to further your development in both leadership and business roles.

We cordially invite you to this year’s WOW Forum. Please join the Northwest Connecticut’s Chamber of Commerce for this professional development conference aimed at motivating and educating hundreds of women. Together, we are advancing women's leadership across careers and cultures to share knowledge and ideas, to enrich each other's lives, to provide a network of support and to promote opportunities for women in leadership.

The event is not only educational, but also fun and exciting too. Register and gain access to network with other attendees.